Edificio residencial plurifamiliar CLT

Edificio residencial plurifamiliar con n. 8 alojamientos, dispuestos en tres niveles sobre el suelo y un sótano utilizado como un garaje. La estructura sobre el suelo fue construida con paneles CLT para paredes y pisos y con vigas de madera laminada y vigas de acero HEB.
Sitio de construcción: Ischia di Pergine, Trento (TN)

Diseñador estructural: Dr. Ing. Rossano Stefani
Diseñador arquitectónico: arco. Aldo Tomaselli
Empresa constructora: Domus Immobiliare S.r.l.

Edificios residenciales de cinco pisos con paredes enmarcadas


Complejo de edificios residenciales encargado por ATER Trieste que consta de 5 edificios. Cada edificio tiene 5 pisos sobre el suelo más el ático inclinado. Las paredes están hechas con marcos de temporizador, mientras que los pisos están en CLT, incluidas las rampas y las escaleras, con la excepción del techo que está hecho de vigas. Las terrazas están parcialmente soportadas por estructuras de acero.
Diseñadores estructurales de las estructuras de madera: ing. Sandro Rossi – Ing. Raffaele Cruciani, Ascoli Piceno, Italiastudioing-cru.ro@libero

14/01/2019 – Ver. 70-71 – Import .dxf optimisation options, Move and snap feature, improvement in the management of portable licences with the machine name identification

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Optimization options for the import of .dxf drawings: it is now possible to enable the following options:
    • – Merge close points (2D/3D): it allows to merge the points (even belonging to lines) whose mutual distance is lower than the user-defined threshold;
    • – Snap to grid (2D): it allows to adapt the imported lines and points to a grid whose dimension is user-defined;
    • – Snap to existing points (2D): it allows to adapt the imported lines and points to the pre-existing elements of the model by taking as reference their nodes.
  • Move and snap feature: it is now possible to move points and lines and adapt them to the pre-existing elements in the model. This feature is useful when the user wants to import the drawings of the plans of each level of the structure and adapt them to the already modelled elements.
  • Identification of the machine name for the management of portable licences: it is now possible to assign a name to each machine that uses the software in order to know always which is the machine to which the licence is assigned. This is useful when the software indicates that the licence is already assigned to another machine since the user will also be notified of the name of that machine.
  • Bug fixing and small improvements

Note: the release licence button and the section for the assignment of the machine name has been moved to the “Settings…” section that can be reached from the Welcome page of the software.