28/11/2022 – Ver. 94 – Addition of Eurotec fasteners and connection elements, import definitions from other projects, implementation of new product selection filters, improvement of the definition interface of the structural elements
In the latest version of the software we added these new features:
- Addition of Eurotec fasteners: a selection of fasteners manufactured by Eurotec is now available. The selection includes partial threaded screws, fully threaded screws, nails and screws for plates.
- Addition of Eurotec connection elements: Eurotec connection elements are now available. The selection includes hold down, wood-concrete shear and tensile plates, wood-concrete and wood-wood angle brackets.
- Import definitions: it is now possible to import definitions already implemented in other projects, such as sections of structural elements and connections.
- Implementation of new product selection filters.
- Improved graphical interface for defining structural elements.
- Bug fixing and small improvements.